
Monday, October 17, 2011

It's never too late Day 10

I heard a story this morning on NPR about a 100-year old man that completed the Toronto marathon in 8+ hours. He was 100. As in born in 1911--amazing! He said it was his goal to complete the marathon and he became the oldest person to ever finish a marathon. He told the interviewer that he started running twenty years ago--at the age of 80. He STARTED running at 80. Can you imagine?

What a great, inspirational example this man is: it's never too late to achieve your dreams and goals. Even if you're 80, you can start a new project, hobby or passion.

I'm in my mid-thirties but I do occasionally think that I should have achieved a certain level of success by now or gotten further in my pursuit of passion and career goals. But I'm realizing that it's never too late to begin and really where we've been is leading us to our next destination.

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